The Ultimate Guide for Real Estate Electronic Signatures

Among the numerous game-changing innovations that have transformed the house buying and selling process over the last decade, electronic signatures may be the most important one. Electronic signature solutions speed up the transaction process by automating the signing and acceptance of offers, the completion of forms, and the verification of contingencies and addenda.

Even if electronic signatures have their advantages and drawbacks, they are just like any other new technology. Because of the rapidity with which e-signatures may be completed, they might also be perceived as illegitimate or as if they have been hurried through the process. Misunderstandings or even lawsuits might emerge from this.

You and your clients can profit from the best free electronic signature software if you learn more about how they are perceived by the law. In addition, we’ll provide you with some insight into what your clients need to know before they sign on the dotted line in the virtual world.

E-Positives Signing’s

Electronic signatures have grown in popularity due to the several advantages they provide over traditional, paper-based signatures. Among them are:


It’s something you’ve seen before. There are several reasons why a client’s signature might change dramatically when they are signing a large number of documents. These include exhaustion, boredom, or sheer repetition. With an electronic signature, you may use a single, official signature once, and then use it as many times as you like throughout the document or package. The signature is more trustworthy because of its uniformity.


Keeping records for years on end is a requirement of the real estate agent’s profession. When it comes to signing and submitting paperwork, electronic signatures and filing saves space and is significantly more dependable than keeping track of every single piece of paper involved in many transactions. As a bonus, there’s no need to worry about a spilled cup of coffee or inadvertent document damage. E-signature documents are constantly up-to-date, clear, and readily accessible.


It might be tough to find a time to meet with clients for signatures because everyone is so busy these days. E-signatures allow everyone to sign papers as soon as they are ready and then send them electronically to the other agent, saving everyone a great deal of time.

Agents and brokers, in particular, will like the convenience of this because it allows them to keep the deal rolling while they are on the road. E-signature can also be the difference between your client’s offer being taken into consideration and being too little, too late when dealing with a tight turnaround in a multiple offer situation.


Vacationing clients. Customers moving from afar who are looking for a place to stay. Couples who work long hours in high-powered positions. The process of obtaining real-life signatures from all of these clients can take days. Both parties benefit from e-signature convenience, which reduces their stress and speeds up the procedure.


It’s possible to combine an e-signature platform with an electronic transaction management software like HelloSign, zipLogix, or Form Simplicity. This implies that you may handle all steps of your sale or buy transaction electronically, from document preparation through sharing, signatures, and storage.


For the sake of further security, e-signatures incorporate characteristics such as timestamps, serial numbers, and other identifying information. If they are coupled with a transaction management system, they also immediately erase signatures if subsequent modifications are made, so that the client’s purpose is obvious.

E-Signature Laws and Regulations

Using electronic signatures is clearly beneficial for a variety of reasons. However, because of the ease and speed that e-signatures provide, new regulations governing their usage in legally binding documents have been passed.

Federal lawmakers approved the ESIGN Act (Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce) in 2000 to make e-signature use as legal documentation more widespread. State legislation has now defined and limited the use of electronic signatures even more.

47 states and some territories have enacted the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA), which is similar to ESIGN. ESIGN and UETA’s mission is to:

  • For every legislation that requires a signature, establish the legitimacy of an electronic signature.
  • E-signature agreements should be admissible in court.
  • A document signed electronically should not be denied because of its electronic signature.

To “enable and extend the acceptance of electronic signatures,” NAR asks regulators and lenders in the real estate sector to endorse the ESIGN Act.
Using e-Signing in Your Next Transaction: Tips and Tricks

What may be the conceivable downsides of e-signatures if they’re so convenient? Because of the speed and convenience of electronic signatures for real estate agents, customers may feel confused and even a little apprehensive about virtual signing without sufficient advice from you.

To accelerate the signing process, some real estate brokers use an e-signature technology that doesn’t allow for easy inspection and discussion of papers sent to customers.

Is there a way to ensure that your usage of an e-signature in the sale or purchase process is beneficial to your client?

  1. e-purpose signature’s and the laws governing its usage should be discussed in this section

Your client should be aware of regulations governing electronic signatures and the fact that e-signed papers are legally enforceable. Remind them that they have the option to sign paper contracts if they want, and that electronic signatures are not required by law. E-signature perks include distinct serial numbers and time stamps, so reassure them.

  1. Verify that your clients have reviewed all papers and are ready to sign them, if at all feasible, by getting written confirmation from them.

If your client signs a contract without understanding what he or she is agreeing to, you have failed in your duty of care. Your customers shouldn’t be forced to sign something that they don’t fully comprehend. Consider giving them time to review the document and ask questions before they sign on the dotted line

  1. Describe how the e-signature platform works, including how customers may review and reread the document as it moves through the process.

E-signature customers had difficulty with the platform’s auto-scroll feature, which moved them from one signature field to the next without permission. However, this may lead to confusion for clients who are new with the platform, which may slow down the process. You may rest assured that your customer is well-informed about the platform’s operation if you explain it to them in detail.

  1. As usual, keep in mind that effective communication is essential.

E-signing works best when you and your clients communicate effectively. If you send a document to a customer, make sure they receive it and answer any questions they have about it by following up with them. After they’ve signed, check in to see if everything went as planned. To make the e-signing procedure easier for them, make sure you let them know you’ll be present at all times.

Clear communication and a focus on the customer can help you avoid issues and safeguard yourself when using electronic signatures for real estate. Your transactions will be more secure when you use the most up-to-date technologies. Reduce your workload and increase your efficiency by implementing electronic signatures to sign documents more quickly and more easily.


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