A Tibetan Meditative Buddha For Your Home

When you think of Tibet you might think about breathtaking hills, beautiful mountains, little kids in their signature red robes, and people who are on a pilgrimage to the shrines of Buddha. The relationship between Buddhism and Tibet is inseparable. You must have heard of Tibet and its influence on Buddhism. Tibet is known for its rich Buddhism culture, the Buddhism Culture that they follow is called ‘Mahayana Buddhism’.

What makes this so different from its roots in Indian Buddhism is the number of Buddhas they worship. In this religion, there are not one or two but many different types of Buddha who reside in their own spiritual realms. In Mahayana Buddhism, we can find different buddha with different sets of powers. They have distinct blessings for their followers.

What is Unique about the Tibetan Meditative Buddha statue?

In Tibetan Buddhism, the meditative buddha is also known as Amitabha. He is believed to reside in the West direction and hence he is called The Buddha Of West Pure Land. He lives in his own realm called Sukhavati. His pure land is said to be the homeland of the pious souls who have worshipped him and died, all of them will be reborn in Pure Land.

It is said that he was a King in his human form many eons ago, he renounced everything and became a monk named Dharmakara. His name translates into Treasure of Dharma. He is known for making 48 vows to save innocent souls from pain and suffering.

Why should you get a brass buddha statue of Amitabha?

Ok, so now you know about Mahayana Buddhism and why it is unique? Along with some information about the Buddha Of Pure West Land. Before he achieved enlightenment he made 48 vows and said that if he is unable to fulfill even a single one of them, he will not achieve enlightenment. We can take these vows as the form of blessing that he will bestow on people who will chant his name with faithful devotion.

We have a list of benefits that you can receive from keeping a Brass Buddha Statue around you:-

  • Protection from Evil spirits – Our home is the only place where we can take a break from all the stressful things and truly relax. We all love our house and love to live there and so do the stray negative spirits who are looking for vulnerable places to stay and eat away all the positive energy. So what can we do to prevent it? It is said that having a brass buddha statue in our home prevents evil demonic spirits from entering and destroying the positivity of our home.
  • Blessings from all the buddha – Buddhist monks believe that by praying and chanting to just one Buddha that is Amitabha will result in blessings of all the buddha of different realms.
  • Averts accidents – No one can predict when a person will come across accidents or mishaps. Being attentive and careful around people and places is a great way to prevent it. But there is also an age-old belief that having a brass buddha statue in our home or workplace is said to prevent accidents and mishaps from happening.
  • Peaceful sleep – after a busy day of working hard, everyone would want to recharge to start a new day with a fresh mind. But when our nights are plagued by nightmares and scary dreams this very necessity is snatched off our hands. What can we do to stop it from happening now or in the future? Many people believe that having the Brass Buddha Statue of Amitabha can help with nightmares and help you to get a good night’s sleep.
  • Fulfill the wishes – the moment we are born in this world we begin to have needs that must be fulfilled. Later on in life, these needs turn into wishes and then desires. We work hard to fulfill all our wishes without a doubt no matter what it is. One of the ways that might help you to fulfill your wishes or get you closer to them is by offering homage to Lord Buddha. It is believed that if a personal prayer to lord Amitabha then his wishes are fulfilled by him
  • Blessed with positive energy- Many Buddhist and spiritual leaders believe that by having a brass buddha statue in one’s house can increase positive energy by many folds.
  • Eliminate Vastu Issues – in ancient times when our ancestors lived in a big house they would follow the scripture of placement of things in a house and how a house should be constructed, this scripture was known as Vaastu Shastra. In older times when people had bigger houses it was easier to follow it but now in this age, it is not possible to follow all the rules which result in vastu dosha/ problems. These Dosha if left without a solution can have conflicting results. To prevent it from happening many vastu experts believe that having a buddha statue at home can prevent the vastu dosha from getting worse or in some cases totally remove their negative aspects.

In The End

We have told you about Amitabha Buddha, his origin, significance, uniqueness, and a long list of benefits that you will get from having a Brass Buddha Statue at your home. So what are you waiting for? Go and get your Buddha Statue for your home as soon as possible.


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