The Process of Registration in Noida

If you want to buy Real Estate in Noida, then you have to make sure that all the registration process is done according to the right procedure and with the right documents. If you don’t know the processes of registration then don’t worry because, in this article, we will give you the information about the procedure of registration property.

If you have a Property in Noida without any registration and want to know the process then start reading this article and clear your doubt.

How To Register Your Property?

If you want to make sure that the ownership of your Residential Property in Noida stays under your name, then you have to follow this process to get your property registered with the registrar. The procedure is as follows:

  1. The process starts when the buyer and the seller are present at the registration office. When both the parties are present, then the documents of the property like documents of any Flat in Noida get verified.
  2. When the documents are verified property, then the seller calculates the market price of the property which has to be accepted by the buyer too. The registration process will move further when both parties accept the market price.
  3. One thing to keep in mind that the agreement between the two parties should be printed on stamp paper. The stamp paper works as a legal document and anything written on the stamp paper will be considered as legal evidence in court.
  4. After the agreement is made, the sales deed is prepared. Sales deeds show the relationship of buyer and seller and work as a document that shows the transferring of ownership from one party to another.
  5. Then the stamp duty officer checks the stamp duty paper which is prepared after the sales deed. For further steps, the stamp duty paper of the property like Apartment in Noida has to be verified. After the documents got verified, you need to sign these documents and put a date on them.
  6. After that, all the documents will be transferred to the sub-registrar office. Make sure that you got all the documents in the correct order as if the sub registrar rejects the application, then you have to restart the process.
  7. As the sub-registrar approves the documents, they will move to the registrar’s office and the registrar will register your property.

Important Documents Required For Registration

 As you know the process of registration, now you need to take care of the documents which are required for the registration process. The names of the documents that are required are:

  • Zero Ledger/ No Dues Certificate
  • Allotment letter
  • Possession letter
  • Document showing that your bank loan is approved (if you have applied for it)
  • 2 ID proofs in which one showing that you are a citizen of the country and the second is PAN Card.
  • Residential proof. Make sure that the address of your resident should be the same as mentioned in your adhar card.
  • The last document that is required is a bank attested photograph and signature of yours.


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