Digital Marketing for Real Estate Agents

The products have high added value in the real estate market, along shopping journey, and basic needs, mainly when the product is intended for the family. At some point in our lives, we will need to buy or rent a house in general.

Investments for creating real estate projects are high, and marketing expenses have always followed the traditional formula of media plans, between 3% and 5% of the total amount invested, with different pre-launch, launch, and sales stages.

As the project can only be marketed after city halls and registry offices have issued all documents, the pre-launch has become an excellent opportunity to generate prospects interested in anticipating the launch and buying their land or residence, with generous discounts the completed enterprise.

The new real estate market

As we live in a new market, this strategy is no longer yielding results, and construction companies often have significant losses, as sales do not happen at the same speed as before.

And the question is: but if it has always worked, what has changed?

Today the consumer is no longer as impacted by Outbound Marketing.

Between the project and the client, there is the realtor, who works in a real estate company and has traditional approach techniques such as calls to old clients, advertisements in newspaper classifieds, direct approach via the network, on-call sales, stalls at points with great flow of people, sending a newsletter to old email lists and social media posts through your profile, fan page, and groups.

Impact of Digital Marketing in the real estate market

Some segment challenges are already known, such as the long shopping journey and consumer profile changes The property is seen as heritage and is strictly linked to the person’s lifestyle, from creating the family to special needs and investment capacity.

Builders and developers need to take the lead and act as protagonists of their brand and legacy. The consumer buys with whom he trusts, and this relationship of trust for such a significant investment is not built overnight.

In general, marketing campaigns for the real estate market begin when the works are already more advanced, for strategic reasons, due to the high competitiveness of the market. Marketing has a catalytic role, together with the sales force of brokers and sellers.

According to fluctuations in sales, many companies in this segment reserve their marketing budget when launching the projects and fluctuate between the different communication channels online.

Inbound Marketing Real Estate

With more and more fans, it is crucial to maintain a joint alignment on how Inbound works for real estate companies, as there is a limitation.

The easy way to explain it is to think that a real estate company does not function as e-commerce. We could not generate the entire sale on the internet because the ticket is very high in this sales cycle, and the deal is complex. Many variables influence the sale, ranging from the broker’s work to the approval of bank financing, which depends on many factors.

Leads Qualification

Every broker, real estate, or Construction Company has a stack of cards or an email list of people who were approached at launches, fairs, and events. What many companies observe as simple data for Inbound Marketing is precious information. These contacts will be our first Leads to be worked and qualified.

Important:  If your real estate agent has never communicated by email, or if you haven’t exchanged messages with these people in a long time, it is worthwhile to clean the list. First, that is, separate the contacts that can be used from those that have a disability. Doing this practice saves time in prospecting and increases the chances of converting to future sales.

Lead generation

While existing Leads are being qualified, new Leads must be generated. For this, we have two main options:

Funnel fund offer (close to sale)

Direct offers contribute to the generation of more qualified Leads who need less nutrition time, streamlining the purchase process. In the case of real estate, some quick and simple practices can fulfil this function.

Top funnel offers (Lead’s first steps)

With the funnel fund offering running, we gained time to prepare the personas and the purchase journey and the funnel’s top and middle contents, which can nurture Leads later.

Lead Segmentation

It is worth remembering that including strategies for segmenting Leads from the beginning facilitates the work of nutrition. For example, we can ask the Lead preferred neighbourhood and think of a specific nutrition flow. That way, you send the right content to the ideal persona, optimizing the purchase decision process.

Partnerships with local businesses

If your real estate agent is exploring an unfamiliar or less populated region, it makes sense that you look for local businesses to partner with. The good idea is to close partnerships with restaurants in the vicinity to publicize the new venture.

For example, your real estate company can promote cultural contests such as “Why would you live in neighbourhood X,” encouraging customers to participate in exchange for a free dinner at that same restaurant. In addition to contributing to the place’s movement, you also capture Leads through a simple Landing Page. Remember to put a field “you accept to receive emails about venture X” to guarantee a reasonable opening rate and click on your future campaigns.

Digital Marketing and Sales Tools for Real Estate

It is ideal to have the support of Marketing and Sales tools throughout the journey. For this, we will explain how real estate agents can take advantage of them:

RD Station Marketing

The RD Station Marketing is a comprehensive platform to manage and automate digital marketing actions. The generation of Leads is in charge of the Inbound strategy for each project.

RD Station CRM

The control of the commercial process is an inherent pain for many companies. The real estate segment is accentuated, mainly because the ticket is high and the sales cycle is longer.

A good part of the sales process is under brokers’ care: face-to-face service, first conversations, visits to the property, and visits to decorations, negotiation, and closing.


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