When is the Best Time to Sell Your Family Home?

If you are thinking about selling your family home, you are more than likely wondering when is the best time to sell. There are many factors that go into selling a home, including when the best time to sell is.

Time of the Year

If you are wondering what time of year it is best to sell your home, it is between May first to May fifteenth. Homes that sell during this time period will not only sell quickly, they also sell for more money. In addition to the time of the year, the day of the week may have an influence.

Studies have shown that homes that are listed on a Saturday have 20 percent more views than a house listed any other day of the week.

Listing During The Optimal Housing Market

You will want to make sure that you do not just base listing your home based on the time of the year or the day of the week. You will want to consider how your local housing market is doing.

Buyers Market

A buyers market is where there are a number of homes for sale and not enough people looking to buy them. If there is a high inventory, you can expect that your home may not quickly sell. You may need to list for a lower price and add additional concessions like paying the closing costs.

Seller’s Market

A seller’s market is where there are more potential home buyers than there are properties. This is the best time to sell your home as you can expect it will sell quickly. You should have multiple offers, and you should be able to see for your full asking price or above.

Your Readiness To Sell

Another important factor when it comes to selling your home is whether or not you are ready to sell and the reasons why you are thinking about selling your family home. When considering selling your home, consider the following factors:

Lifestyle Changes

Things like downsizing, growing family, relocations, and job changes are all reasons why people decide to sell their homes. If it is a job move that you are going to have to do, you may not have time to wait for the perfect time to sell your property. If you are moving because you want to downsize or upgrade the size of your home and you are not in a hurry, you can take your time and list when the market is perfect for your area.

Emotional Preparedness

Moving can be hard on you emotionally, especially if you live in a home that you have lived in for years. Even if you are moving to downsize or for a job, emotional attachment can be a problem. You may feel a lot of anxiety around your move, and you may find yourself not wanting to move at all.

You will need to sit down and determine whether or not this move is for you. If you list your home and you are not sure, you could deal with a lot of emotional problems. Take the time to make sure that you are ready for the move and the next chapter in your life.

Financial Benefits

Another factor in deciding when the best time to move is when your home has enough equity in it. You will want to make sure that you have built enough equity into your home where you can get your dream home, or you can use that money for retirement.


If you are interested in selling your family home, make sure that it is the right time for you. You will want to make sure that your area is in a seller’s market, and you will want to make sure that you are ready to part with your family home.


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