7 Tips: How to Declutter Your Bathroom

If someone asks you which the smallest room in your house is, then you will point the finger at your bathroom. Perhaps, it is also the messiest.

Even though you’re not a hoarder, it’s easy to let all the products that you keep for yourself and your family for cleaning and looking presentable be stocked under the sink or inside the cabinet.
Here are some helpful tips which can help you in decluttering your bathroom.

Before starting to declutter

Gather these six boxes/bags and mark them with stickers that contain things

  • You want to keep
  • give away to family or friend
  • Donate
  • Move to another bathroom
  • Sell
  • Trash into a dump

Keep a plan ready for your stuff like

  • Who to give it away to
  • Where you’re going to donate
  • Where you will sell it

Ready? Now let’s jump to the good stuff.

Hair products

You might be using different products for your hair. There are many hair products which you didn’t even use, and they may have expired. You buy them for testing, if they work fine on your hair, you use it, but if they don’t work fine, they go straight into your cabinet.
When your cabinet is full of crazy-old products, get rid of it, especially if you don’t even remember when you bought it.

Medicine counter

Every medicine has an expiry date printed on it. Medicine like ointments, pain killers etc. don’t last longer than you think. When you check, you will be shocked on seeing that your ointment has already expired three years ago. If it’s something you want to have, replace it and check the date frequently.

Stocking up the bathroom essentials

Declutter the stash of items you’ve stocked up. Maybe you got a massive discount on the soaps, a toothpaste or a body wash, and you have stocked them up. Ensure that whatever you’re stocking up is used by you and your family, if not then donate it or give it to someone who needs it.

Hair accessories

Take a box or container which has 4-5 compartments. Put all your hair accessories in it. Go through your hair bands, scarfs, pins, hair ties, etc. and ensure that you’re still using it. If anything is broken or stretched, throw it.
You might be putting that stretched hair ties or used cotton balls back into the drawer. To avoid grabbing those in the future, throw them now and declutter your bath’s drawer.

Gift & bath items

There is always a person in everyone’s group who loves to gift the fancy bathroom sets. Whether it’s the bath products or personal grooming products, if you’re not going to use it, consider re-gifting it.
There is no shame in give it to someone who uses it. So, do a favour to yourself, and organise all those gifts or weird bath products that you’ve been stocking.


Though it is not much of a decluttering item but it’s just a friendly prompt to replace your toothbrushes which has worn out bristles. You should replace your toothbrush every three months, and guess what, the old grungy brushes make perfect cleaners.
You can soak it in white vinegar for 30 minutes, give it a rinse, and dry. It’s now ready to become your cleaning toothbrush.

Cases of your contact lenses

Some people have a phobia of anything going into their eyes, so when they go for their appointments, they get a small panic attack. Some people don’t like to wear contact lenses, but people who wear it buy a new solution bottle for their lenses and they get a new case.
So, at that time you might be having 4-6 cases if you’ve been wearing contact lenses since a long time. It’s better to remove the old one and keep only the one which you got recently and 1 more as a back-up.

Things to consider while choosing bathroom storage

  • When you select the storage for your bathroom, make it more accessible, manageable and practical.
  • Always put the frequently used items in easy to reach areas.
  • Grab some baskets and shallow boxes to put in the cupboard which you can pull out to access.
  • Choose a single bottle of shampoo, conditioner, lotion, etc. to keep in your bathroom and put the extra ones on the shelf outside the bathroom.
  • Make a list of all different types of medicine and ointments and stick it inside the medicine box or cabinets.
  • Look for the products that are separating, discoloured or have an unusual odour.
  • Items that you use rarely should be put outside the bath area to free up space—for example, hair clippers, rollers, or wax warmer.
  • To arrange things logically and practically put some baskets in your bath area.
  • Take a perfect measurement of your cupboard, so that you know how much space is available and which type of boxes or baskets fit in that space.

Other things to declutter from your bathroom

  • Makeup sponges
  • Foot scrubs
  • Bath crystals
  • Moisturiser
  • Mini shampoos & conditioners
  • Bath mats
  • Sanitary supplies
  • Electrical appliances
  • Washcloths
  • Razors


A clean visible space feels less cluttered and as you organise your bath, make sure to deep clean your closets, drawers and cabinets where the dust of cosmetics powder, cotton balls or hairs tend to collect.
You can do this when you are wondering about how to make your small bathroom look bigger and brighter. We promise that you when you follow the above-mentioned steps, you will like your bathroom more.

Author Bio:

I, Erika Rhein, am a professional writer and blogger by profession. I write on various niches, however, I prioritise writing on bathroom renovations. I always strive to provide users with useful and informative articles in a readable format. I aim to achieve a difference through my writing.


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