Simple Changes That Converts Your Home into a Smart Home

Do you know that enriching your home with smart technology can bring you a seamless magical experience? You can convert your home into an ultra-modern and hi-tech space with smart ceiling fans, lighting, appliances, water system and even increase your security system.

But it is not only about a futuristic look. Smart home technology saves electricity, water, and time. The home automation system of smart home technology keeps track of your energy utilization. It manages your water and electricity consumption according to your changing requirement. You contribute to sustainability when you adapt to this new technology. Even it adds security on top of your existing setup. They can detect motion, monitor room temperature, and alert you when someone enters your home. 

What is a Smart Home?

A “smart home” is a home where technology integrates the home lightings and appliances. You can manage them through your smartphone. Some are built into the structure itself and some added later, and homeowners operate them with applications, voice commands, automation, or using artificial intelligence. They are controlled by motion sensors as well. You can put the timer in your smart home appliances and smart lighting.

Following is the list of 6 smart equipment that you can install in your home to make it a smart home:-

Smart Lighting

Every new era comes with a new transformation. Sometime back, you upgraded your home to energy-efficient LED lights from ordinary incandescent bulbs. Now is the time for further upgrades with smart lighting. These are the lights that you can use remotely from anywhere, anytime.

Smart lighting is energy efficient. You can manage them through your mobile or other devices related to the internet. Do you worry after leaving home that you switched off the lights or not? Now, you don’t need to stress over it anymore. You can switch on and off from your mobile phone. Some of them sense your presence to turn on and off.

Smart Thermostats

The thermostat is a vital device for your home. It directly affects your health. And it is one of the most energy-consuming appliances in your home. Heating and cooling your entire home or office premises take a lot of electrical power. Thus it becomes harmful for your budget and an environmental hazard if you forget to switch off your thermostats.

The smart thermostats are integrated with your mobile phone. Hence you can control them remotely. More advanced models allow you to check your energy consumption daily. This technology provides the convenience of switching on the thermostat when you are on your way home.

Smart Plugs

Smart home technology introduced the world to smart plugs. They run on voice commands and timers. You can ask your TV to switch off or a coffee maker to make a brew. If you forget to switch off heating devices like an ironing machine or a hair straightener, there is a risk of electricity waste or even fire.

In such cases, the timer facility of smart plugs can be a savior. They increase safety and convenience in your life, along with being environment-friendly.

Smart Appliances

A modern home runs on its appliances. Many companies manufacture sustainable and eco-friendly appliances like dishwashers, refrigerators, washing machines, etc. With the help of a home automation system, these smart appliances save electricity on their own. They also can be remotely accessed.

Smart appliances alert you for inventory management, repairing requirements, and if any door is left open.

Smart Water Systems

Did you know that the average Indian wastes around 45 liters of water every day? That is a disappointing number for a country where people living in rural areas travel kilometers to fetch water. Smart water systems prevent water wastage. Smart home technology enables devices of smart water systems to evaluate your water consumption.

They can restrict the flow of water from your water tank when it is overused. Smart water systems can also sense water hazards like pipe bursts in advance.

Smart Security Systems

Make your home unattractive to criminals. Homeowners invest a lot of time and money making their home more appealing to the outside world. Smart sensors can help you improve your alarm. You can Place smart sensors on your windows and doors, for example, and you can send a warning to your devices. You might even switch on the lights to scare off the burglar.

You can also use a sensor on a cupboard or safe with your valuables in it for protection at all times, sending a notification whenever there’s activity.

The video doorbell is also a dissuasive burglary sensor. This cool gadget lets you see who’s on your door from your smartphone. If you’re inside alone and want to see who’s at the door, or whether you’re at work, and someone’s at home.

Author Bio:

Richa Shah’s day job is to handle digital marketing for Sensinova, a leading player in India for designing, manufacturing, and deploying Motion/Occupancy Sensors, Home Automation & Smart Lighting Solutions. With a flair for creating compelling content that clears the clutter and connects with the audience in an instant, she writes about technology topics to educate and share her insights with readers. She is often found buried in books, playing board games, and occasionally binge on Netflix in her free time.


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