How to Seal a Driveway

Sealing a driveway is an essential maintenance task that not only enhances its appearance but also prolongs its lifespan. Whether you’re dealing with an asphalt or concrete driveway, the process of sealing can protect it from the elements, prevent cracks, and resist oil and fluid leaks from vehicles. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to properly seal your driveway, ensuring it remains in top condition for years to come.

Understanding Driveway Sealing

Before diving into the sealing process, it’s important to understand what driveway sealing involves and why it’s crucial. Driveway sealing is the application of a protective coating to asphalt or concrete driveways. This coating serves as a barrier against water, oils, UV rays, and other external factors that can cause damage over time.

The Importance of Driveway Sealing

  1. Protection Against Water Damage: Water can seep into the surface of your driveway, causing cracks and potholes as it freezes and thaws. Sealing helps prevent water penetration.
  2. Resistance to Oil and Fluid Leaks: Vehicles often leak oil and other fluids that can stain and deteriorate your driveway. A sealant layer makes cleaning these spills easier and minimises damage.
  3. UV Protection: Continuous exposure to the sun can fade and weaken your driveway. Sealant provides a protective shield against UV rays.
  4. Improved Aesthetics: Sealing your driveway can restore its original look, making it appear newer and more appealing.
  5. Increased Lifespan: Regular sealing can double the life of your driveway, saving you money on early replacement or extensive repairs.

Preparing Your Driveway for Sealing

The key to a successful sealing job is thorough preparation. Follow these steps to prepare your driveway:

Step 1: Cleaning

  1. Remove Debris: Use a broom or leaf blower to remove leaves, dirt, and debris from the surface.
  2. Clean Stains: Apply a degreaser or a detergent solution to oil and fluid stains. Scrub these areas with a stiff brush.
  3. Power Washing: For a deep clean, use a power washer to remove embedded dirt and grime. Allow the driveway to dry completely, which may take 24-48 hours.

Step 2: Repairing Cracks and Holes

  1. Fill Cracks: Use a rubberized asphalt-emulsion crack filler for smaller cracks. Apply the filler and smooth it with a putty knife.
  2. Patch Holes: For larger holes, use an asphalt patching compound. Tamp down the compound after application to ensure a smooth, level surface.

Step 3: Taping and Protecting Edges

  1. Protect Edges: Tape off any surfaces adjacent to the driveway, such as sidewalks, walls, or garden edges, to protect them from the sealant.
  2. Cover Plants and Landscaping: Use tarps or plastic sheeting to cover nearby plants and landscaping features.

Choosing the Right Sealer

Selecting the appropriate asphalt paving services Central Coast is crucial for effective driveway protection. Asphalt driveways typically use coal tar, asphalt emulsion, or acrylic sealers, while concrete driveways often require acrylic or epoxy-based products. Consider your driveway’s material, condition, and the climate of your area when choosing a sealer.

Application Tools

  • For Smaller Driveways: A large paintbrush or a roller with an extension pole.
  • For Larger Driveways: A sealant sprayer can save time and ensure even coverage.

Why Professional Sealing Matters

While you can always seal your driveway yourself, hiring a professional has its advantages. Professionals have the necessary experience, tools, and equipment to deliver a high-quality sealant application that lasts longer. They can also identify any underlying issues with your driveway and make repairs before sealing it. Additionally, professional sealing can save you time and effort in the long run.

Sealing Your Driveway

Step 1: Mixing the Sealer

Thoroughly mix the sealer according to the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure it’s properly combined and ready for application.

Step 2: Applying the Sealer

  1. Start at One End: Begin at the garage end or the top of the driveway and work your way down.
  2. Thin Coats: Apply the sealer in thin, even coats. Using too much sealer can lead to uneven drying and poor adhesion.
  3. Edge Care: Use a brush for precise application around edges and tight spaces.
  4. Cross-Application: For best results, apply the second coat at right angles to the first.

Step 3: Drying and Curing

Allow the sealer to dry for at least 24 hours before walking on it and up to 72 hours before driving on it. Avoid sealing if rain is expected within 24 hours of application.

Maintenance and Reapplication

Regular maintenance can extend the life of your sealed driveway. Clean spills promptly, remove debris regularly and consider resealing every two to three years, depending on your driveway’s exposure to traffic and weather conditions.

When is it best to apply and reapply bitumen sealing on your driveway?

It is best to apply bitumen sealing on your driveway during warmer weather, ideally when the temperature is above 50°F (10°C), and there is no rain in the forecast for at least 24 hours. This allows the sealer to properly dry and cure for maximum effectiveness.

As for reapplication, it is recommended to reseal your driveway every two to three years or when you notice signs of wear and tear, such as fading, cracking, or oil stains. It’s also a good idea to inspect your driveway after winter and reseal it if necessary to repair any damage caused by freezing temperatures and snow removal methods. Overall, regular maintenance and timely reapplication are key to keeping your driveway in top condition for years to come. So don’t overlook the importance of driveway sealing, and make it a part of your regular home maintenance routine!


Sealing your driveway is a cost-effective way to protect your investment, enhance its appearance, and extend its life. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure a successful sealing job that will keep your driveway in excellent condition for years to come. Remember, the key to a durable, attractive driveway is regular maintenance, including timely resealing and prompt repairs.

About Whitley Asphalt

Whitley Asphalt delivers high-quality driveway solutions tailored to your specific needs. Whether you’re looking to seal your driveway, repair damages, or completely overhaul your existing pavement, our team of experienced Central Coast professionals is here to help. Contact Whitley Asphalt today to learn more about our services and how we can assist in keeping your driveway at its best.


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