How to Build Your Dream Home Sustainably

Sustainability is meeting your present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their future needs. It revolves around the concept of earth, profits to resources, and people, plus getting the best out of them efficiently.

The world continues to grow, and resources seem to be going scarce. Therefore, we must strive to maximize the minimal resources at hand. One of the best ways to live sustainably is living the eco-friendly way.

Environmental issues are at the forefront of our worries; we should be treating the planet better. Living sustainably starts with the most basic of our needs, shelter.

Eco-friendly living is one of the most mainstream home industry trends at the moment. Rightly so, the mentality to go green becomes a habit that lasts if it is built from our homes. Living greener means saving on your costs without giving up necessary comfort.

Whether you’re searching for a home on the VA-approved condo list or building one yourself, here are some ideas on how a home can be sustainable.

Use Sustainable Materials

The first objective towards sustainable living is to ensure your home is built on sustainable materials. Most building materials tend to affect or harm the environment. Sustainable materials generally fall into these categories:

  • Recycle or reused. Made of reprocessed materials or fixed materials that have been used before.
  • Sustainably harvested. Materials like wood are required for building; it is recommended you purchase them legally. Certified wood distributors harvest their wood from sustainably managed forests.
  • Quickly renewable. When used, these materials grow and replenish fast. A good example is bamboos and thatching grass.
  • Locally sourced material. One way of purchasing material is ensuring it isn’t expensive to transport. Sourcing material locally cuts costs and is way more eco-friendly.

Build Smaller

Smaller homes in neutral conditions are environmentally friendlier than larger homes. While larger homes have efficiency adjustments, the impact of smaller homes on our environment is lower. A popular trend in architecture at the moment is tiny homes. You may equate building smaller to tiny houses, but that’s not the case. Building small also means the use of creative designs to grow spacious homes on fewer materials.

Build smaller but more intelligent. Smaller homes are also generous to your savings. Reduced maintenance and living costs mean you live sustainably, even financially. Be thoughtful and embrace functionality as you build your smaller home.

Be Water and Energy-Efficient

Water and energy are two core factors of our environment. While its sources seem infinite, effectively managing and using them save us from misuse. Watching how we use our water and energy helps us keep our limits in check. Ways we can be water and energy efficient include:

  • Purchase energy-saving appliances
  • Harvest rainwater or any leaks in your house
  • Using low-flow toilets and showerheads.
  • Go the solar way.
  • Insulate your home.
  • Regulate your water heater temperature.

Check on Indoor Air Quality

Your home should be healthy and free of any toxicity. Air remains one of the most contagious ways to spread toxics. It is therefore recommended we ensure our home’s air is of a high-quality.

Some of the factors that affect your air quality include paints, floor coverings, and filtration systems. Oil-based paints are toxic and not suitable for home settings. For paintings, it is best to go for latex/acrylic paints. Carpets and mats are notorious for accumulating dust. If you have a rug, ensure you often vacuum or dry-clean.

Appliances such as fans help dry out moisture and create airflow, which is good to have at home. It is essential to consider energy-efficient options when buying one. Filtration systems like the HVAC purify and trap dust particles from your air. Furnaces are also suitable for filtering air but check with a professional to see if it works well.

Building your home can add value to the environment if you make it sustainable. Eco-friendly living might not sound exciting, but it remains the healthiest way to live. Inspire others by building your dream house in a green-sustainable way.


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