10 Packing Hacks for your Happy Move

Moving a house from one place to another is overwhelming. Packing different objects of different shape and size in a secured way is time-consuming as well as intimidating.


But, no need to fret; there are certain steps if followed properly nothing can be nerve-wracking.We have covered certain steps to be followed in brief to make you understand how packing can be done in an uncomplicated manner.

Start Early

Time is precious start packing your belongings those are not used in day to day life or frequently but are still valuable and then come to those which you use on a daily basis.

Using Right Kind of boxes

Different objects have different weight, shape and size such as wardrobe boxes for your clothing section can help you properly keep all your belongings. Therefore, use boxes according to their type.

Label the boxes

While packing numerous boxes, label all your boxes to segregate while unpacking.

Right Packaging material

Choosing right boxes such as double wall boxes for double protection is essential but choosing a good quality packaging material like tapes, wraps are another essential part of the packaging.

Use of small plastic bags

While moving, furniture those are big are dismantled therefore do not forget to keep all the pins and bolts together in a small plastic bag.

Keeping things at the right place

While packing makes sure that things like toothbrush toothpaste and some more daily used stuff should be kept in a way that can be easily taken out when required.Therefore, in the Infographic below we have gathered some ingenious hacks for packaging that can help you out in moving.

Author: Michel Wilson


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