How to Have a More Private Home

Privacy is a fundamental human right that has been articulated in all over major international and regional human rights instruments. Over 130 countries have constitutional statements regarding the protection of privacy, including the United States.

The First, Third, and Fifth Amendment of the US Constitution protects the liberty of the people of their civil rights as private individuals.

Public opinion polls consistently find privacy to be crucial that they be able to maintain privacy and confidentiality in commonplace activities of their lives. It’s why new technological, legal and cultural development have prompted public concern about the imminent death of privacy.

Privacy is essential for several reasons. Some of it has something to do with the consequences of the lack of privacy. Reputations can be unfairly harmed when there is no restriction on the access of personal information.

Many may find it harmless when they have nothing to hide, but it’s not. Information can be misused and taken the wrong way. People will judge you for them and affect different aspects of life, such as job opportunities, friendships, and overall well-being. Privacy can help protect people from inaccurate judgment.

People also need to establish boundaries from others in society. These boundaries are not just informational but also physical. It’s why we have privacy within our homes. Everyone wants a safe place where they’d feel comfortable, a place of solitude to retreat to without the burden of other people’s gazes and judgment.

Breaching these boundaries can create awkward social situations and damage our relationships. Privacy helps people manage these boundaries and reduce the social friction we encounter in life. Most people created tight-knit communities that are so caught up with each other’s lives that some would take this as an invitation to get into their neighbor’s personal lives.

Neighbors can be an essential asset to improve your living experience in a community. Additionally, they can also be a trusted resource to help protect your home. They can provide extra security by watching your house when you’re out of town as well as report any suspicious activity.

However, this doesn’t give people the right to snoop at each other’s homes. After all, no one wants other people to know everything about them. Improving home privacy prevents these neighbors from snooping in your private life.

Privacy is also a crucial factor in personal security. Home privacy is also essential not just in trying to prevent nosy neighbors from snooping through our personal stuff without being invited, but for the safety of family and belongings. People lock doors and close windows to prevent others from just walking into our homes and taking just about anything they want.

The lack of privacy makes a house an easy target for robberies or worse crimes. If you’re always being watched, it would just arm burglars with more information and create opportunities in figuring out how to make it easier to steal your belongings.

In this infographic by Global Tint USA, find out what you can do to make sure your home gets more privacy.


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